Aardwolf Armor List - Levels 1-13

String Location Flags Weight Value Level Eq type Armor vs Level Average hr dr Affects
plate black platemail armor magic 10 140 13 Plate Good _ _ hp by 8, save vs spell by -1,
order cloak Land of Beer Goblins, Czeles magic 4 100 13 Cape Weak 3 _ wisdom by 1, hit roll by 3,
leather suit armor glow magic 3 120 12 Plate Fair _ _ dexterity by 1,
white bishops cap Chessboard, White Bishop auctioned 3 50 12 Helm Fair _ _ wisdom by 1, intelligence by -1,
standard order bracer Land of Beer Goblins, Czeles magic 2 100 12 Bracers Weak _ _ hp by 10,
veil armor auctioned 0 100 11 Glasses Fair _ _ _
rotting jeans armor auctioned 5 450 11 Leggings Fair _ _ armor class by -3,
Cloak Long Hooded armor auctioned 5 110 11 Robe Weak _ _ skill cell adjustment by 8,
talisman demon armor glow magic 11 110 11 Necklace Fair _ _ dexterity by -8, strength by -10,
chainmail chain mail suit armor bless 20 100 11 Plate Weak _ _ _
cape dragon armor magic anti-evil 4 1000 10 Robe Fair _ _ hp by 10, dexterity by 1,
charm solace shiny black gold Solace, Janni magic 15 100 10 Necklace Fair _ _ constitution by 1, strength by 1,
dwarven glove nails armor anti-evil 5 0 10 Gauntlets Weak _ 1 damage roll by 1, skill hand to hand by 10, armor class by -13,
ring solace shiny black gold Solace, Janni magic 5 100 10 Ring Weak _ _ strength by 1, dexterity by 1,
red leather vest armor anti-good 0 350 10 Plate Good _ _ mana by 25,
breastplate splint armor auctioned 20 340 10 Robe Weak _ _ _
robe black silk armor auctioned 6 100 10 Robe Fair _ _ mana by 10, skill burning hands by 7,
shield bamboo armor auctioned 8 100 10 Shield Fair _ _ _
Fashionnable pants Paul, Quake - 10 ? ? Leggings Fair _ _ wisdom +2
Fashionnable Jacket Paul, Quake - 10 ? ? Plate Fair _ _ int +2
gloves work Mob Factory, MF Worker auctioned 2 30 9 Gauntlets Fair _ _ constitution by 1,
gloves armor auctioned 2 90 9 Gauntlets Fair _ _ strength by 1,
helm dragon horn armor auctioned 6 400 9 Helm Good _ 1 damage roll by 1,
bracer leather enchanted armor magic 1 400 9 Bracers Fair 1 _ hit roll by 1,
banded mail suit armor auctioned 15 90 9 Plate Good _ _ skill armor by 5, skill parry by 5,
hatchling ember ring armor auctioned 8 0 8 Ring Good _ _ hp by 6, strength by 1,
gloves armor magic 1 1500 8 Gauntlets Fair 2 1 skill sword by 6, hit roll by 2, damage roll by 1,
antharian trousers Antharia magic 5 90 8 Leggings Fair 1 _ constitution by 1, hit roll by 1,
talon extenders armor magic 5 100 8 Gauntlets Fair _ 3 damage roll by 3, skill psychic drain by 7,
sash green Goblin path auctioned 1 25 7 Belt Weak _ _ _
notepad Goblin path auctioned 1 10 7 Gem Weak _ _ intelligence by 1,
work helmet Mob Factory, MF worker auctioned 3 40 7 Helm Fair _ _ hp by 5,
pants work Mob Factory, MF worker auctioned 4 45 7 Leggings Weak _ _ wisdom by 1,
clothes work Mob Factory, MF worker auctioned 5 50 7 Plate Fair 2 _ hit roll by 2,
goggles work Mob Factory, MF worker auctioned 2 20 7 Glasses Fair 1 _ hit roll by 1,
metal gauntlets roads, mercenary auctioned 5 200 7 Gauntlets Fair _ _ _
bracelet bronze Rats Lair auctioned 4 150 7 Bracers Fair 1 _ hp by 2, hit roll by 1,
pack of cigarettes Prison, Gatekeeper hum evil 5 70 7 Gem Fair 2 _ dexterity by -2, hit roll by 2,
armor turtle shell breastplate armor auctioned 20 200 6 Plate Fair _ _ _
Chrome safetypin Lowlands glow magic 1 100 5 Earrings Fair _ _ hp by 5,
Mercenary ring Roads, mercenary _ 5   5 Ring none _ _ hp by 10, intelligence by -1
glasses Smurf village, Brainy glow 2 40 5 Glasses Weak _ _ wisdom by 1,
Necklace Smurfette Sumrf village, Smufette glow 5 ? 5 Necklace Weak _ _ int +1
spike studded belt armor magic 1 100 5 Belt Fair _ _ mana by 5,
Records on a string armor dark 2 43 5 Necklace Fair _ _ intelligence by 1,
black wooden armor armor auctioned 10 50 5 Plate Weak _ _ _
necklace bone armor magic 1 59 5 Necklace Fair _ _ skill blink by 3, skill time shift by 3, skill holy rift by 4,
ogre jacket Gangland, Ogre clan member auctioned 2 40 5 Plate Weak _ _ skill bash by 3, skill kick by 3,
shield metal armor auctioned 9 100 4 Shield Great _ _ skill bash by 4,
mask bandit bandit, roads auctioned 3 20 4 Helm Fair _ _ skill hide by 7, dexterity by 1,
gloves tattered armor auctioned 1 9 4 Gauntlets Fair _ _ _
shell seashell pair bikini armor auctioned 3 200 3 Plate Fair _ _ mana by 10,
robes armor auctioned 5 25 3 Plate Fair _ _ mana by 5,
helmet horned black Ofcol? auctioned 3 100 3 Helm Good _ _ _
jerkin hard leather armor auctioned 8 200 3 Plate Fair 3 3 damage roll by 3, hit roll by 3, strength by 3,
seashell necklace Rivers, streams... auctioned 2 50 2 Necklace Good _ _ skill magic missile by 3, skill chill touch by 3,
cloak blue Goblin Path auctioned 1 523 2 Necklace Fair _ _ skill blink by 3,
ceremonial robes goblin Goblin Path, Prophet glow 4 523 1 Robe Weak _ _ wisdom by 1,
ring metal Rats lair? magic 1 234 1 Ring Fair _ _ intelligence by 1,
cloak velvet Adventurers' Guild, wa monster auctioned 4 0 0 Necklace Good _ _ skill blink by 2,
Perfect white rose Flower shop magic 1 5000 0 Gem Nil _ _ int +1 wis +1
ball light Limbo(Spell) glow 0 0 0 Light Nil _ _ _