Getting started

First connect there: telnet:// you will have to make a new character.Enter new name and password.I guess than nearly all of you can answer yes to ANSI-VT100 support question.then you will have to choose a race,a sex,class and alignment.Done with the Help of Matthias, which told me my mistakes about thieves.

My advises are:

The school.

You start at the entrance of the school.down is temple of mota and north is further in the school.Dont go to the temple of mota right now...That name will sound familiar to you later.
To move around, just have a look to the see exits [north down].to go north just type the first letter of where you want to go:n.If you wanted to go down you would have typed d.Direction first letters are:
n(north),s(south),e(east),w(west),u(upstairs/fly up),d(downstairs/land down).
Go north so we are in the same room.
You arrive at a crossing.You can still read the signs,they are helpful.going north will lead you to monsters.West and east are train and practice rooms.First go west.train will increase your stats.Just type Train to see what you can train.and then you can type train (attribute) to increase it, if you have train sessions left...Exemple:train wis will increase your wisdom.most interesting train will depends on your class.Here is the list:


Once you have done it,go back are back at the crossing.well go one further east to practice your skills.First type prac, it will show what you can practice and your practice sessions left.Then practice your primary weapon(e.g for paladin type practice flail, for warrior type practice sword)until your skill is more than 70%.Then practice your parry skill(parry,time shift or blink).Once you have practiced it,practice your first spell, if you have one(paladins have lay hands, mages have magic missile,psi have ballistic attack).Once you have finished practicing go back to the crossing:west.
Lets kill some monsters.well ignore all other exits and go(from where you are) north then west then north then north then west then down.If you get lost type the following to get directly into the combat cages:
run u2nw2nwd.
Once there, type scan.scan will show you if there are monsters in the surroundings.Well you should see some monsters, wimpy monsters and aggressive monsters on your scan.well go near one and type kill monsters.You will certainly kill it and get the items it was carrying.Well wear them all.To wear an item, first type inv to see all items you carry then type wear (item name).You can also type wear all to wear all items you carry.Go kill some monsters and get their items.Normally if you dont do anything more it is possible that you will have 15 velvet cloak in your inventory that you will not be able to wear.Well just drop them.Type drop (item name) to drop an item, and drop all to drop all items you carry(not worn items).You just got started, But you havent even discovered even 1% of the game.As you can see I am level 113 and I still discover things in the game.If you want any other help simply ask questions on the newbie channel.the keyword is newbie (message/question).
Hope you will enjoy!
